It's what those of us in the cloth diapering world call our mail that is neither paper nor cardboard, but cotton, hemp or bamboo. Yes, they even make cloth diapers out of bamboo these days. One of the diapers I received in this last package (the Bum Genius bamboo fitted) was so soft and buttery, I wanted to put it on my behind. Sorry for the visual. But I digress...
When I first got excited about cloth diapering my fourth child, I never knew it would be such a pleasurable part of caring for him, nor did I have any idea about the cloth diapering underground that exists not only in our country, but worldwide. Check out if you don't believe's my little pseudo community of friends I don't know in real life, but have bonded with through the love of cloth, crunchy living and desiring unconventional amounts of babies.
I started slowly, researching what types of diapers would be easiest, even comparing the prices of new versus used on ebay. When Mel realized I was contemplating putting used cloth on his son, he drew the line, and I happily complied. By the time he was born, I had a nice little starter stash (we're not talking about the stash in a baggy, it's just what they call it). I enjoyed it so much that aside from the disposables they had at the hospital, I didn't buy any "sposies" until he was old enough to go into the childcare at church. I even took my dipes on vacation that first summer and washed for him wherever I was. It was bliss.
Things are a little different now that he's 2.5 and making adult loads in his diapers, but I muscle through it. I've been trying to ease him toward potty training, but like any child created between my gene pool and Mel's, he'll have none of it as long as it's somebody else's idea. So I broke down this week and got him some new fluff, and I swear he was as excited as I was. For what it's worth, also in the order were some Dream EZE all-in-ones, which fit him like a glove and are very absorbant, as well as some Wonderwraps, which are covers designed to fit any size baby. They have gotten some bad reviews on The Pin, but I think they are great so far.
just as I suspected, you ARE super-mom!! I love the description of a 2.5 year old's diaper...I totally remember our kids "adult loads".
ReplyDeleteHope you are feeling great! I love reading your blog; you are such a gifted writer.