I'm typing with both hands! Tuesday I enjoyed the long-awaited removal of the pin in the end of my finger from my disastrous can opening incident in early December. Who knew that one split second could create such a series of events and utterly alter one's holidays, but it did. I had a severed tendon, surgery, and a series of hideous casts and hand braces to hold the repair. They assured me that when they took the pin out at 6 weeks that it would not hurt, I would only feel "gentle tugging". They lied.
Dr. G pulled out the pliers and swiftly removed my stainless steel friend--which went up to my 2nd knuckle, thank you very much--and it did not feel pleasant. I think I cried out. Afterward I was given a modest finger brace, exactly like the one I left the ER with on the night of the incident. All was well until later that day it caught on my pants as I was pulling them up and I screamed so loud that all the kids came running. Yes, into the bathroom. I was sure I'd completely ruined everything the surgeon had done, but after a few days now, I'm in fact typing again and it only hurts a little. It still looks like my finger was severed and reattached, but it doesn't look like a witch finger as it did on Wednesday.
Later on Tuesday, the second needle entered the scene. I had to have my "goiter nodule" biopsied for a 3rd time...let yourself go briefly to the Seinfeld episode for a chuckle. Well, I have one, and because of Kabob, it is growing again. To be safe, they wanted to stick a needle in my neck, wiggle it around a little, and aspirate some cells to make sure I don't have cancer. This was not my first BBQ so I wasn't very nervous. It is, however, uncomfortable, and now I know I'll have to do it again this Summer so I'm not thrilled. I raced home from Reno Tuesday feeling slightly violated, however relieved to be done with it.
What next, woman? I needle in your butt? Oh, wait, I know. Childbirth. ;-)