There are a lot of things you can say about me: I procrastinate to a point of pain, I'm chronically disorganized, I waste hours of time on the, ahem, computer, I'm hopelessly addicted to my best friend Coffee, I can nap like nobody else...except maybe Leah(; I eat cookie dough like it's a common snack food. I can go on and on. The one thing you cannot say about me is that I don't enjoy being a mother, which is exactly what I heard some unknown foolish woman mutter under her breath when she looked at me yesterday. I was so shocked that I stood up and held my baby close to me and looked her straight in the eye as I gathered my things. But here is what she didn't know...I had been sitting there in the surgeon's office for a solid hour cajoling my baby while being forced to listen to Fox news. After 30 minutes of Glen Beck, I was just trying to get to my happy place until it was over, and that is when she looked at me and made a searing judgement of my character. The takeaway? I probably make harsh judgements of people, if only in my tiny head, based on what I've viewed for only a minute. In fact, I probably did it to the other mom there with her kids just 20 minutes before, I just have my filter intact and mean lady didn't. "The LORD does not look at the same things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." (1 Sam 16:7) Thank you , God, for looking at my heart and knowing that even though I'm not a perfect mom, I love being one.
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